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Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning, as it unlocks access to the wider curriculum. Our intent is to ensure that pupils are immersed in a stimulating English curriculum, which is challenging and aspirational. We value and promote reading for pleasure and a love of books, through the careful choice of high-quality texts, whole-class reading sessions and the use of the school and class libraries. Children will leave St. Lawrence able to speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English. Active listening skills are developed across the curriculum and pupils are exposed to ambitious and varied vocabulary. Pupils develop their writing skills as they progress through the school and can write accurately and coherently, adapting their language to the purpose of the writing.
We provide children with access to consistent, high-quality and progressive phonics teaching, which supports children to read fluently. As children begin to learn to read, they access decodable phonic books which are closely matched to their decodable range.

The following resources provide more detail around how English is taught at St. Lawrence.