Religious Education
Religious Education enables pupils to develop into global, empathetic citizens who can ask and answer big questions about faith with confidence, knowledge and conviction. Our intent is to create opportunities to enhance spiritual, social, moral and cultural development linked closely with our Christian values of respect, kindness, aspiration, collaboration and resilience. We are a Christian school and our RE curriculum reflects this, however, we also enable children to develop positive attitudes towards beliefs and faiths which are different from their own. Our children acquire the skills to engage in a culturally diverse world. We want our children to know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews and to express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of these views. Children gain and deploy the skills they need to engage seriously with religions and worldviews, to respect ideas, religions and worldviews which may differ to their own and to have opportunities to gain cultural capital both within school and in the local community.
In line with West Sussex’s Agreed Syllabus, Religious Education actively promotes the values of truth, justice, respect and care of the environment. It places specific emphasis on pupils valuing themselves and others, the role of family and the community in religious belief and activity, the celebration of diversity through understanding similarities and differences and the sustainable development of the earth and care for creation. Religious education also recognises the changing nature of society, including changes in religious practice and expression and the influence of religion in the wider community.