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Mathematical skills and understanding are essential for everyday life. Our intent is for children to participate in a rich and engaging curriculum, which is inclusive for all. Children’s mathematical learning will be underpinned by a strong foundation in fluency, which continues to be built upon with reasoning and problem-solving skills. Mathematical concepts are introduced using the ‘concrete, pictorial and abstract’ approach: enabling all children to experience hands-on learning, when discovering new mathematical topics. This allows children to build clear models and images to aid their understanding and develop their skills consistently over their time at St. Lawrence. Children are encouraged to take risks and learn from their mistakes to form a relational understanding in a broad mathematics curriculum.

The following resources provide further detail around how maths is taught at St. Lawrence.

Maths calculation booklet

Fractions booklet

Glossary of mathematical terms

White Rose calculation policy - addition and subtraction

White Rose calculation policy - multiplication and division